sign up for summer camp!

Grace Point, our diocesan camp, is a beautiful lakefront camp near Knoxville. Check out the summer camp opportunities for children, youth, adults, and families at Scholarships are available; please contact Claire Broome for more information.

Register here!

While all children are always welcome in worship services, our nursery is also available for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years old. Our nursery is staffed with caring and safety-oriented employees. Please sign your child in upon arrival, and note any allergies or food concerns, as we serve snack.


LOCATION: Downstairs in Hart Building

TIME: During Sunday School & 10:30 Eucharist

Children's Chapel is held during the 10:30 am worship service. We will lead children upstairs after the gospel reading and children's sermon. During Children's Chapel, we will sing, hear a Bible story, say a prayer, and spend time in Bible Story-Telling Centers. Our curriculum is aligned with the lectionary, so your child will be hearing stories based on the readings they hear in church. We will bring your child back to the nave during the Peace.

Children's Chapel

Location: Upstairs in the Hart Building

Time: During sermon & Prayers of the People (10:30 Eucharist)

Our Preschool and Kindergarten Sunday School class meets upstairs in the Hart building at 9:15 am. Children in this class will hear Bible stories, sing songs, create artwork, and have a snack. This class is staffed with experienced teachers and includes developmentally-appropriate instruction, including an emphasis on play. Please pick up your child at 10:15.

Preschool & Kindergarten Sunday School

Location: Upstairs in the Hart Building

Time: 9:15-10:15 am

All children K-5th may be dropped off in the Children's Chapel in the Hart Building for Sunday School at 9:15. Together, we gather for a Bible story from the Weaving God's Promises curriculum. Then, children split into a K-2nd class and a 3-5th grade class. The K-2nd class will focus on crafts and games related to the story, while the 3-5th class has a curated curriculum based on topics like the Eucharist and spiritual gifts. Children will also be given a snack. We will spend the last ten minutes together in the Children's Chapel in prayer and reflection. Please pick up your child at 10:15.

Children's Sunday School

Location: Upstairs in the Hart Building

Time: 9:15-10:15 am

vacation bible school

Registration for St. Paul’s Vacation Bible School is open! Our theme this year is Operation Restoration, mending God’s world. The cost is $30, open to ages 4-11. Volunteers are also needed, and there are many different ways in which you can serve during this fun week! Contact MacKenzie for more information. Register here!

For more information about Sundays or special children’s opportunities, contact MacKenzie Teal, Director of Children’s and Youth Ministry, at

*A note about Safeguarding: Everyone who works with children at St. Paul's goes through a training program for child sexual abuse awareness called Safeguarding God's Children. We are dedicated to making sure all children are safe and protected. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.